Hello, Has writing a book about your journey through life (an autobiography) or the business world crossed your mind but you cannot find the right words or the time to dedicate to writing? My name is Uzezi and I love to write and put life into the words of others, as I express their thoughts and ideas in their voice . Get Editing and Publishing Services Here Get One-On-One guidance to Write Your Book yourself in 30 Days Here Get Book Designers, Graphics Work, Illustrators Here Print Your Book Here Beyond the words of my clients, I research other details related to them or their work and if necessary, add such to enrich whatever work I have been commissioned to do. I would love to offer my services to you as a ghostwriter... Telling your experience in the industry you find yourself and all that you have learnt; the dos and the don’ts or a ‘How To’ book Challenging life events Addressing whatever misconceptions people have about you And others… ...
There is no sugar coating it or
trying to say it in a way that wouldn’t make it seem negative. The truth is
that, a few days ago, I almost lost my son, but God showed up! I have a zillion
to be thankful for. I realise all the deposits the Holy Spirit led me to make
continuously on a daily basis in the spirit realm were available for quick
withdrawal when the enemy launched.
Rotavirus? I never heard of it until
the tests came back. My bubbling, very energised soldier, as I call him at
times, who is looking forward to celebrating his 4th birthday less than two
months away, became unrecognisable in the face of an attack called rotavirus.
Less than 24 hours after he and his
big sister returned from their 3 weeks vacation, what we thought was a fever
quickly skyrocketed into severe diarrhea and oral rehydration solution, ORS,
couldn’t fix the rapid dehydration. When he started to lose consciousness, we
ran to the hospital and thank God we came. Thank God it was a Sunday and the
roads were free of traffic. Three nights later, my boy is still on drips but he
is fine. Thank You, Jesus.
After hearing the diarrhea was
caused by rotavirus and it wasn’t a bacteria, I went on Google to read about it
and I am still so thankful. This definitely wasn’t dysentery my daughter
suffered a couple of years back that we were able to manage with ORS and zinc
tablets. This was something worse and I cannot be thankful enough to God for
sparing us from such pain.
Though I had faith, I couldn’t pray
in the middle of the debacle that preceded us and accompanied us to the
hospital. I kept slapping my boy across the face to get a reaction from him.
Thank God for His Words, which I could remind Him of, about everything He spoke
concerning my young. Even while yelling at my husband to concentrate on the
road and stop looking back else all four of us landed in the emergency room
instead of one, I threw God’s words back at Him as the enemy tried to show me
disastrous visions, as God’s Spirit reminded me of those scriptures. And even
as weak as he was, I made my boy repeat the paraphrases after me.
Hmm. I had said I enjoyed my peace
and quiet for three weeks without them True. And in no time of being back, we
were back to our normal tugs of war between mummy and children. True again. But
as his strength returned, with it, his constant ‘beautiful, peaceful and
harmless acts of terrorising’ us, even from a hospital bed and limited motion
due to drips’ I am happy. Terrorise me and your sister and your daddy all you
want. I won’t get mad anymore, by the grace of God.
Isaiah 65: 20 and 23 says “Never
again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an
old man who does not live out his years; the one who dies at a hundred will be
thought a mere child; the one who fails to reach a hundred will be
considered accursed.
They will not labor in vain, nor
will they bear children doomed to misfortune; for they will be a people
blessed by the Lord, they and their descendants with them.